Devices with 4 F / 5 F Sheath Compatibility
Access through the Radial, Brachial, Femoral or Pedal artery: Our Micro-Invasive Technology is focused on reducing Puncture Site Diameter (PSD) and Puncture Site Surface Area (PSSA) by minimizing the device entry and crossing profiles to 5 F or less while maintaining device functionality. By reducing profile and maintaining functionality, Vascular Access Site Complications (VASC) can be significantly reduced with the added potential to eliminate the need and cost associated with Vascular Closure Devices (VCD).
Designed to
> Reduce Puncture Site Diameter (PSD)
> Reduce Puncture Site Surface Area (PSSA)
> Reduce Utilization of Vascular Closure Devices (VCD’s)
> Minimize Device Profile
> Maintain Device Functionality
> Reduce Procedure Time
> Improve Port Site Thrombogenicity
> Improve Patient Morbidity